South Eastern Active Health based in Bentleigh East, breaks away from the ‘old style’ Chiropractor. We use a unique approach incorporating a wide variety or hands on techniques like massage, trigger point therapy and joint mobilisations in all our consultations with a large focus on rehabilitation to get you better faster.
We do more than just treat necks and backs. We work on all the moving parts of you body from your head to your toes.
Chiropractic at South Eastern Active Health is a safe and effective healthcare discipline. Our trained Chiropractors perform a thorough assessment, diagnosis and provide treatment for all the moving parts of your body from head to toe. We also work on shoulders, hips, knees, elbows, hands and feet….. the list goes on!
Some of the treatment techniques we may use include; Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Joint Adjustment/Manipulation, Mobilisation, Stretches, Dry Needle Therapy, Rehabilitation and Exercises programs.
We have a great team of Chiropractors to help you feel better faster, and get you back to the activities you love to do best.