Stretching is an integral part of the hands on therapy approach at our clinic. Our therapists use specific stretching techniques designed to increase the flexibility of certain muscles and joints in the body. This enables the body to move more efficiently and therefore heal faster and reduce pain and stiffness. There are many types of stretches, here are some of the techniques we use at our clinic.

Active Stretches
These are usually done with the patient adopting a position directed by their practitioner in order to stretch a specific muscle. Like bending your head to the side trying to touch your ear to your shoulder – in doing so your should feel a stretch on the opposite shoulder. These types of stretches are also given as part of a home exercise program. Patients perform the stretches in their own time which can assist in managing their pain and improving the recovery process.

Passive Stretches
These are stretches where another person or device assists in stretching the affected muscle. Like lying on your back and having some lift your leg up until you feel a pulling in the back of your leg. This helps you relax the muscle while stretching.

PNF Stretching
This involves taking a muscle into a passive stretch and then tensing the muscle while in a stretched position. The contraction is held for a few seconds and then the muscle is taken further into a stretched position. This technique is usually repeated a few times per muscle and is a very effective way of creating more stretch in a muscle over a short period of time.
Other Chiropractic Services

Massage and soft tissue therapy are commonly used techniques at our clinic. Massage has many benefits especially with regards to injury management, recovery and rehabilitation.
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Adjustment - Joint Manipulation
This is a gentle, safe and effective technique designed to restore the normal movement to a joint (any joint in the body) that is stuck or not moving properly.
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Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy involves applying controlled pressure over the nodule/knot in order to reduce pain and loosen tight muscles.
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Joint mobilisation helps restore the normal movement of a joint that is stuck and not moving freely.
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Dry Needle Therapy
Dry Needle Therapy is used to deactivate painful trigger points, reducing pain and relaxing tight muscles.
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Exercise & Rehabilitation
The benefits of a good exercise and rehabilitation program include; faster recovery from your condition, less pain and it also reduces your chance of re-injury.
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Strapping and Taping and Braces
Different types of strapping and bracing techniques may help you return to activity faster and reduce your pain.
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Find out more about about our principal Chiropractor Dr Daniel Grynberg