We often get asked if chiropractic care is safe for babies and children.


As long as the Chiropractor has specific training in treating children. We understand that a child’s body is different to an adult as they constantly developing and growing.

This means the way in which we care for children is also different. We only use very gentle and subtle techniques to help your children feel better.

Our very own Chiropractor, Dr Elena Bouras DC, has completed 85 hours of specific training in the care of babies, children and pregnant mothers.

Dr Elena understands the differences between the needs of a child and adult and is specifically trained to help children move better, feel better and recover faster.

Using only very gentle, safe and effective treatment techniques, Dr Elena focuses on making both child and parent feel safe and comfortable.



Dr Elena is able to help with a wide range of issues concerning babies, toddlers and teenagers. Some of the common paediatric conditions she sees at the clinic include;

  • Irritable baby syndrome
  • non uniform movement (favouring one side)
  • Bedwetting
  • Poor feeding/nursing in infants
  • Neuro-behavioural disorders
  • Vestibular System Dysfunction (balance)
  • Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
  • Jaw problems
  • neck pain or poor movement to one or both sides
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • sports injuries
  • Growing pains