Meet Maddie Lawson


Maddie is an Eating Disorder Dietitian who understands the complex relationship between food and emotions, helping her patients navigate their fears and anxieties surrounding food. In addition to providing education on healthy eating habits, Maddie also collaborates with the patient’s treatment team, including psychologists, GP’s and other medical professionals, to ensure a holistic approach to recovery.


Maddie Lawson Eating Disorder Dietitian

Maddie’s empathy, compassion and expertise, empower her eating disorder patients to develop a healthier relationship with food, exercise and their body, whilst fostering long-term well-being and overall health. She creates a warm and welcoming environment for you to start your recovery. She is there to listen and understand whats happening in your world, to create a trusting and safe place for your recovery.



If you are currently living with an active eating disorder, and are unsure of what to do, please reach out to book your free discovery call with Maddie. A no obligations call to answer your questions and find out how she can help you.

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Specialist Eating Disorder Dietitian


Here at South Eastern Active Health, our Eating Disorder Dietitian – Maddie Lawson can work with individuals with all forms of disorders (diagnosis or no diagnosis) including:

– Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

– Negative food relationship

– Bulimia Nervosa

– Eating concerns

– Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED)

– Anorexia Nervosa

– Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

– Disordered eating

– Orthorexia

Dietitians like Maddie have a pivotal role in supporting individuals with eating disorders and their families to understand the interaction between food, nutrition and well-being, as well as supporting & encouraging eating behaviours that align with their treatment and recovery goals.

Eating Disorder Plan Medicare

Eating Disorder Plan

(Medicare subsidised appointments)


Many people in Australia who are experiencing eating disorders are able to access recovery support through Medicare. Known as an Eating Disorder Plan (EDP), it’s an evidence-based, best practice model of treatment.

The plan can include up to 20 Medicare-subsidised sessions with a dietitian and 40 sessions with a mental health clinician over a 12-month period. To be assessed for an Eating Disorder Plan (EDP), you can see a GP – it’s also possible to see a psychiatrist or paediatrician (if you already have one).

Finding a GP

If you don’t have a GP you trust you can search for pre-screened health professionals on the Butterfly Foundation Database , which is free and accessible at any time. Some GPs may not be aware of the recent changes to the Medicare Benefits Scheme or the eligibility criteria. If not, you can refer them to the MBS Online Eating Disorders page.

Once you are ready to book an appointment with a GP, please be aware that to appropriately assess eligibility for an Eating Disorder Plan and to complete their referrals, your GP will need a longer consultation time with you. When booking your appointment you could mention that it is for a mental health assessment and to allocate enough time for your visit. Your GP may need more than one appointment to appropriately complete their assessment and referrals.

Book your appointment

If have any questions or you need any further assistance, please call the clinic on (03) 9570 1552

If you are ready make an appointment you can book online now;
